
Can you be served at the high table even if you think you are not enough?

Every now and then I come across flashes of brilliance from those I encounter. While being brilliant is great, it’s not awesome if it can’t be repeated over and over, or at least replicated. The question that then follows is, how do you replicate brilliance? Is it something that one can replicate or transfer to others? Should you be trying to get others to replicate you. Should you be trying to replicate what someone does?

So many questions to answer! But there should really be one answer to all questions or at least there should just be one question: “What am I brilliant in?”. Most people don’t ask themselves this question and, more often than not, find themselves cornered in positions of immobility – not only unable to move, but unable to not only think but also unable to think creatively.

I am a firm believer that each person has their own sweet spot of creative living and bringing out their light to share with their world. The problem is that most of us think that we need to adhere and conform to other people’s standards or way of doing things. What we don’t really appreciate is that everyone is trying to figure it out day in day out. And I mean EVERYONE.

Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly rules of engagement that we need to comply with on a daily basis…I just think that there is pressure for over-compliance. The problem is that when we become reliant on over-compliance and think that those standards are the rules of living, that’s when the scales have tipped in the wrong direction, which also becomes difficult and almost near impossible to reverse.

What is more encouraging is that even if you are the at the bottom of the scale or seesaw, someone still appreciates you. So, can you be served at the high table? My response is YES, even if someone else thinks that you should not be there. The world is very subjective, only you know how best you are to be served.

The high table represents a place where you aspire to be. If you think of yourself higher than where you currently are, then you deserve to be higher – the only person who decides whether you should be there or not is you. Other people, including those in positions of authority, can tell you that you don’t deserve to be at the high table, but you just need to remember that it’s their own version of the story and that you hold a more powerful version of YOUR story.

The only thought that you need to dispel is that which keeps on lingering at the back of your mind – “I am not enough”. Remember that no one, at least for now, can enter your thinking processes. The reality you experience is your version of it, so change it to suit your dreams.

#coaching #valuesystems #highachievers #businesscoaching #topofmindthursdays

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