
Don’t do fractions! Were they wrong?


I was a lover of mathematics, I think it was the only language I could really, and I mean really, speak very well, although I never really had anyone with whom I could converse on it all the time on its topics. I had fun with mathematics – algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and a bit of financial mathematics.

My love for mathematics became a bit complicated when we had to deal with decimals – this was at a science class, learning about vectors and so on. That is when I realized that life was being made a little bit more complicated than what it was. “What is the point of this accuracy and history on who discovered what?”

Anyway, during school there was a class called PT – where we would play sports or exercise as class. So, on this one day we played netball. Yes, netball! I wasn’t as agile as I thought I was, and also realized that the movements are quite limited – we had to wear bibs labeled “GK, GD, WD, C”, etc.” and our moves were limited to what we wore – honestly, it was irritating.

I could not move as far and as fast as I could when playing soccer…or trying to play soccer. So anyway, my GK passed me the ball and as I caught it, I think the opponent’s C pushed me before I could grab the ball – and I fell, palms before bums – I landed on the concrete court with my hands before the rest of my body.

From that moment, when my bum landed on the ground and I could see my right palm bigger than my left, that’s when I realized that any woman who resembled a mother was now my mother – I had to run to them.

The pain was excruciating, but as a boy I had to keep my calm, so I kept on playing but could not catch the ball – my energy levels would eventually drop and before I knew it I found myself in hospital and asking the doctor what happened – and he said you have a fracture – a pinstripe fracture. What does that mean? “we need to put a cast and possibly pins in your radius (wrist)”.

To put it nicely, he said – “just think of your bone as many parts that are glued together and have just decided to be apart for a while and now we are reconciling them to be a whole – we can say you are fractioned – we need to put halves and quarters back together”. I thought he was being foolish because the body is not formed that way.

Anyway, when I reflected on business and the advise that I give people I realized that most of the times people try to be the fully formed bone instead of being fractured and being in a cast or pins that stick them together so that they can be fully formed and be properly functioning. You don’t need to do it all by yourself, be fractured and realize the beauty of fractions when they form a whole.

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