
Can consistent peak and high performance really be human?

One of the phrases that I come across a lot, and I’m sure many of you have, when someone is performing really well in a series of tasks or projects, is “XYZ is a machine!”. The sense of expecting consistent peak performance from this individual rises and new higher standards of output delivered by them also rise.

Machines are likened with reliability and compliance with the instructions given to them, but machines also break down if not thoroughly maintained.

Unlike humans, machines don’t necessarily complain when overused, but they have a similarity with humans in that they may start producing substandard outputs and eventually completely break down until undergoing an overhaul process.

When you look at the phrase “XYZ is machine”, from the bright side, it is being likened to peak, reliable, outstanding and probably flawless performance by an individual – it is also only looking at a snippet of that individual’s life, and sometimes it becomes difficult for the individual to slow down and snap out of that peak performance state, to allow for recharge and reach those high levels again.

Many people get addicted to continuously perform at peak levels and forget to be human, that is timeout.

Just like machines need regular maintenance, humans also need thorough maintenance and briefly move away from the peak performance state, to repair and recharge.

The 20/80 rule could apply to machines – i.e. we could probably use 20% of a machine and neglect the remaining 80%. If the 20% gets worn out, we can simply replace it with a newer part, or alternatively use another 20% of the unused 80% and achieve peak performance state again.

Unlike machines, any unused aspects of the human experience gets worn out due to lack of usage and replacing them becomes near impossible.

It doesn’t sound like self-neglect in humans is a wise thing, right?

So, when asked, “Can consistent high performance really be human?” – I’d say it depends from individual to individual. As humans, we are fortunate to have free will. Some may choose to always stay at peak performance states, knowing very well and happy with the neglected aspects of their lives as they do not need to use them.

The problem comes when one wants to have other aspects of their human experience (outside of work) in balance with the peak performance state, but struggle to achieve it – because they feel trapped and don’t know how to get out from that state.

That is when help is needed.

The intervention of a coach is something that could help them realign and bring all round balance.

A coach might not come with a low-price tag. So, when investing in one, all concerns and skepticisms about the process need to be cleared – if not happy with what you hear, then move on to the next one until happy with the proposed process to reach your desired target.
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